Manual Lymphatic Drainage- Full Body - 8 Session Series for Detoxing, Pain Relief or Stress Relief
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To get the most out of MLD it is recommended that you come at least once a week for a month, twice monthly for a month or two and then once a month for maintenance. This is a series of 8 90-min sessions.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage- Full Body - 8 Session Series for Detoxing, Pain Relief or Stress Relief
Series of Five 45-min Lymphatic Drainage - $350 (Reg. $450)
Series of FIVE 45-minute sessions - can be good for one limb, or 360 tummy tuck (more time may be needed). This is a gentle treatment and is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products and fluids awa
Series of Five 45-min Lymphatic Drainage - $350 (Reg. $450)
Lymphatic Drainage for Tummy Tuck / Lipo 360 - 60-min - Series of 10 $200 off
In order to get the quickest and most complete healing after surgery it is recommended you receive MLD right after surgery (with surgeons "ok"). In many cases, recovery will be optimized when you receive at least 2 sessions weekly for a mont
Lymphatic Drainage for Tummy Tuck / Lipo 360 - 60-min - Series of 10 $200 off
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