Rafa House
Next available opening
Thu, Feb 6th 9:30AM
Abuelita Rosa Sponsorship
Help us serve our elder, shut-in, and disabled community! Sponsor your favorite elder, or bless a complete stranger with the gift of healing and wellness, and we will match your donation! Your sponsorship covers the cost of a therapeutic serv
Abuelita Rosa Sponsorship
Sponsor A Horse
Sponsor a trail horse in Puerto Penasco, MX to receive physiotherapy sessions, and 20% will be used toward additional horse needs like fittings and equipment Not only does it promote the overall quality of their lives and improve mood and beh
Sponsor A Horse
Rafa Therapy
Rafa Therapy is a unique infusion of multiple therapies & modalities to achieve optimal bodily response & results. We integrate Orthopedic techniques to improve, and restore muscular skeletal integrity, Hot Stone integration to assist in man
Rafa Therapy
Quantum Tuning Session
This Reiki infused Tuning Fork Therapy session will enhance your state of being on a physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic, and vibrational level. Sound frequencies are said to stimulate points of the body similar to acupuncture without
Quantum Tuning Session
Reiki Therapy
Reiki uses a technique commonly called palm or hands on healing.
Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-
Reiki Therapy
Rafa House
Next available opening
Thu, Feb 6th 9:30AM
Operating Hours
- MondayBy appointment only
- TuesdayBy appointment only
- WednesdayBy appointment only
- ThursdayBy appointment only
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayBy appointment only
- SundayBy appointment only
(612) 607-3315