You can choose whether you'd like a full body massage or just certain areas addressed. Your massage will be customized to what your body needs the day of your appointment, whether its relaxation, deep tissue, stretching, hot stones or some en
You can choose whether you'd like a full body massage or just certain areas addressed. 75 min allows for a full body massage along with a little extra time to focus on an area that might need more attention. Your massage will be customized to
This 90 min. massage allows for a whole-body massage with extra time on areas you may need more attention. Your massage will be customized to what your body needs the day of your appointment, whether its relaxation, deep tissue, stretching, h
This 2-hour massage allows for extended time throughout your body. Your massage will be customized to what your body needs the day of your appointment, whether its relaxation, deep tissue, stretching, hot stones or some energy work with Reiki
Cass trained in Chaing Mai, Thailand in 2023! This service incorporates slow movements with deep pressure working along the body's energy lines with yoga like stretching. You come to this appointment wearing comfortable, loose, & not slippery
Cass trained in Chaing Mai, Thailand in 2023! This service incorporates slow movements with deep pressure working along the body's energy lines with yoga like stretching. This 2-hour appointment allows time to address the entire body as well
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