A full hour of this therapeutic massage will allow me to target the deeper layers of your muscles and connective tissue and is ideal if you have 1-2 problem areas that need a little extra time. The massage will aim to release any chronic musc
This massage is perfect for when an hour just isn’t enough and you have 2-3 problem areas that require some additional attention. Because each massage is customized for your needs and wants, your session may incorporate multiple types of mass
A longer session that will allow for more focused work on 4-5 regions while still allowing time for a full body massage. Because each massage is customized for your needs and wants, your massage may incorporate multiple types of massage techn
Postural Assessment and MyoKinesthetic (MYK) Treatment (initial session for new MYK clients)
Myokinesthetic is performed when you have any pain or injuries. During the session the therapist assesses your postures to identify the nerve that is causing the issue.
Postural Assessment and MyoKinesthetic (MYK) Treatment (initial session for new MYK clients)
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