Customized Integrated Manual Therapy and MAT Techniques
IMT was developed to help eliminating chronic pain and sports injuries to help optimize performance potential. MAT uses contract-relax techniques to help the nervous system feel less threatened by what has been identified as a painful movemen
Customized Integrated Manual Therapy and MAT Techniques
Scar Release Therapy / MPS (Microcurrent Point Stimulation)
Initial treatment is 90 minutes treatment $125.00 each treatment after is $90.00Scar Release Therapy (SRT) which applies Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) that increases inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning
Scar Release Therapy / MPS (Microcurrent Point Stimulation)
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage involves using light, gentle strokes. This is meant to be relaxing and calming, long, kneading strokes combined with rhythmic tapping strokes and movement of the joints. This type of massage targets the uppermost layer of musc
Swedish Massage
Occlusion Strapping
CyoDerm pain relieving gel to soak tissue on specific area, wrapping with a black bag doesn’t allow the tissue to breath causing excessive greenhouse effect and creates Vaso constriction, Vaso dilation cause pores to open more, wrapping packi
Occlusion Strapping
Air Relax Compression
Air Relax recovery boots helps reduce muscle fatigue, increase circulation, and amplify energy return. Its benefits are said to include Improved blood circulation, boost lymphatic fluid movement (reduce potential swollen legs/feet), Removal o
Air Relax Compression
Air Compression with Neck Massage
Air compression with neck massage
Air Compression with Neck Massage
Chair Massage
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is excellent for relaxation and more, depending on the technique(s) used by your massage therapist.
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