Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
Pregnancy Masssage
Pregnancy Massage Package
41hr pregnancy massages that focuses on addressing the special areas of concern of the expecting mom. Such as relieving neck, back, sciatic pain, and head aches, round ligament pain and fatigue. All addressed in the side-lying position to pre
Pregnancy Massage Package
Labor Prep Massage
Anytime within the last two weeks of your due date promotes a speedier birth, relives lower back & muscle contraction discomfort. It reduces pain and anxiety as well as opening the pelvis to encourage your baby’s descent.
Labor Prep Massage
Labor Induction Massage
Around your 39th week, pressure points in ankles and feet foot reflexology and head massage promotes a speedier birth, relieves lower back, and muscle contraction discomfort. It reduces pain and anxiety as well as opens the pelvis to encourag
Labor Induction Massage
Full Pamper Hotmomma Pregnancy Massage
Anytime after 12 weeks. It relieves neck, back, sciatic pain, and headaches, round ligament pain, and fatigue. It helps with the reduction of stress and stretch marks as well as in increasing circulation and a relaxing full facial massage tha
Full Pamper Hotmomma Pregnancy Massage
In-Office Postpartum Massage
Reduces hip size, relieves fluid retention, returns uterus to normal, relieves muscle aches and tension. Best results are noticed when massage is done within the first two weeks after childbirth.
Deep tissue massage used in this session hel
In-Office Postpartum Massage
Fertility Enhancing Massage
Pre transfer "fertility"enhancing massage Deep pelvic work to release congestion Reflexology for the reproductive, digestive, and endocrine systems Aromatherapy for fertility Promote circulation to the reproductive organs
Promotes circulati
Fertility Enhancing Massage
OHHMomma Massage
For Mommas who are no longer in their 4th Trimester, different stages of motherhood
It relieves neck, back, shoulder, sciatic pain, and muscle fatigue. As well as increasing circulation. Includes facial massage that releases sinus pressure,
OHHMomma Massage
Consistent care: Regular massages help reduce pain, stress, and tension.
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