This massage is performed by using Swedish techniques that help to relieve muscular tension, increase circulation, and other health benefits. This massage is chosen to help with stress and overall mental health.
Therapeutic massage is a firm to deep tissue massage that focuses on healing an ailment. If you have sore muscles or knots in your neck or back this massage will help relieve those aches and pains you may be having.
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles. Stretching is incorporated with this massage as well as a massage gun for rapi
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen. Must be in your second tri-mester.
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is excellent for relaxation and more, depending on the technique(s) used by your massage therapist.
Non surgical fat reduction or body contouring by way of Laser Lipolysis, Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radio Frequency or Vacuum Therapy. These procedures are used to dissolve stubborn fat, reduce cellulite and shape different areas of the body. Use
Smooth stones are heated and then lubricated with oil or essential oils, the therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply. Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, the use of massage stones induces deep relaxation a
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