Light to moderate pressure massage to promote a very relaxing experience, hot towels are often added with aromatherapy at the client's request, and/or hot stones.
Relaxation massage
Swedish/relaxation Massage with Hot Stones
Swedish massage with hot stones added, throughout your massage experience. Great on a cold day to warm your tense muscles!
Swedish/relaxation Massage with Hot Stones
Deep Tissue Massage
For people who enjoy more pressure, and really need that deep work due to holding patterns in your job, sitting at a computer, if you are very active, or if you need more than the typical relaxation massage.
Deep Tissue Massage
Targeted/sports massage
For people who need one or more areas focused on, with deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point, or other means to help release tight muscles, and for pain management.
Targeted/sports massage
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
Pregnancy Massage
Chair Massage
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is excellent for relaxation and more, depending on the technique(s) used by your massage therapist. Also for people who have not experienced a table massage, or
Chair Massage
60 Minute Chair Massage
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is excellent for relaxation and more, depending on the technique(s) used by your massage therapist.
60 Minute Chair Massage
90 min relaxation Massage
If your prefer more time with your massage experience, a 90 minute appointment is a great choice! A 90 min Swedish/relation massage with hot towels, and/or aromatherapy.
90 min relaxation Massage
90 Minute Deep Tissue Massage
If you need more deep massage work, but would prefer, or you need a 90 minute visit, this is a great massage choice! A complete 90 minute massage, with deep tissue treatment, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, or whatever is needed to
90 Minute Deep Tissue Massage
Two Hour Massage
If you need additional time, or just enjoy a long massage, choose the two hour massage, good for any massage, Swedish, deep tissue, pregnancy, Any add-ons, hot stones, gua sha, hot towels, aromatherapy all included, just let the therapist kno
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