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6 month 60 minute membership
This is for wellness and maintenance. You book a session once per month - you save 10% on the cost of the session. You are billed for $72 each month, and pay nothing else at the time of the appointment. Sessions can roll over to the next mont
This is a great plan for wellness and maintenance. You book one 90 minute session per month, and receive a 10% discount, with no extra charges at the time of the appointment. You can roll over appointments so that you do 2 in one month. You a
A 90 minute myofascial session to address pain, stress, injuries or muscle tension using massage therapy and Advanced Myofascial Techniques. When you become a member for 3 months you save 5%, and pay nothing else at the time of the appointmen
A monthly massage therapy session using Advanced Myofascial Techniques that help to relieve stress, pain, specific conditions and muscle tension. By becoming a 3 month member you save 10% on the cost of each session.
A yearlong membership will help maintain mental and physical wellness while giving you something to look forward to! And you'll save $10 per session. Session credits will expire after 2 months.
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