Using moderate pressure cupping and IASTM helps to effectively release knots and tension within the muscles. Along with trigger point and precision neuromuscular techniques used throughout.
Can include assisted stretching
(Customizable treat
Massage Treatment
Massage Treatment
Using moderate pressure cupping and IASTM helps to effectively release knots and tension within the muscles. Along with trigger point and precision neuromuscular techniques used throughout. Can include assisted stretching (Customizable treatm
Massage Treatment
Face & Neck Cupping
A Treatment that incorporates cupping, cold stone (cryo therapy), trigger point therapy and using a Vitamin C and rosehip oil.
-cupping helps ease tension and soreness within the face and neck muscles, ease symptoms of TMJ, increase oxygen ri
Face & Neck Cupping
Massage Treatment
Using moderate pressure cupping and IASTM helps with effectively release knots and tension within the muscles. Along with trigger point and precision neuromuscular techniques used throughout. Can include assisted stretching
(Customizable trea
Massage Treatment
Mini Face & Neck Treatment
Choose between cold stone or cupping for this 30-minute treatment to help ease tension headaches, TMJ symptoms, promoting sinus drainage and relief.
A good pick to introduce yourself to face cupping and cold stone.
This treatment will include
Mini Face & Neck Treatment
Foot & Low Leg Treatment
This is a good treatment option if you are dealing with plantar fasciitis discomfort, achillies pain/injury, calf pain, or if your feet are just feeling tired.
This treatment option does include cupping and IASTM along with assisted stretchin
Foot & Low Leg Treatment
Sciatic Cupping Treatment
There is a specific cupping treatment for Sciatica pain. Schedule this treatment to help ease any sciatic pain you are experiencing.
Sciatic Cupping Treatment
Hand Treatment
Focus for your hands and arms
Helpful focus treatment or carpal tunnel, tennis and golfers elbow.
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