Marcy is the longest-standing barefoot massage therapist in NW Ohio & SE Michigan. This session may include 2 feet (deepest pressure), range of motion/stretching, or side-lying work along with other barefoot modalities mixed in. This often re
Advanced style ashiatsu works slower, maintains pressure holds on trigger points or adhered tissue, and delivers deep myofascial strokes to provide what we call Fasci-Ashi (Deeply therapeutic barefoot massage).
In this massage, Monica goes a
This massage is focused only on the muscles of the head, neck & face to resolve symptoms of TMJD. We will spend a portion of time working intra-orally, to work on the muscles inside your mouth. This is a very slow technique and almost alway
In this TMJD session, the muscles of the upper back, neck, face, head, and mouth will be addressed. A gloved finger will be used intra-orally to release the muscles and fascia of the inside of the mouth (as pictured).
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