A fortuitous encounter with a Korean Qi master 15 years ago forever altered the course of my life. I accepted a Qi treatment from this unassuming man. In the days and nights that followed, I felt a r...
A fortuitous encounter with a Korean Qi master 15 years ago forever altered the course of my life. I accepted a Qi treatment from this unassuming man. In the days and nights that followed, I felt a relief that was immediate and profound. It was like someone had released the air out of a very tightly filled balloon, I slept deeply. I could not remember feeling this content. I was filled with curiosity and questions. How could someone possess the power to create a shift so vast and meaningful in the course of one treatment? Six months later this curiosity took me deep into the mountains of South Korea where I found himself chanting and meditating alongside some of the worlds foremost Qi masters. There I entered a world immersed in deep respect for the laws of nature and our ancestors. As the months and years passed I felt stronger, more positive, lighter. In 2011, I became a Qi Master. After sharing the restorative benefits of this method in Europe, Australia and Mexico, I recently returned to NYC where I teach the Sun Kyeong method and offer these powerful Qi treatments - helping people to achieve their goals for health and on the path to wellbeing and spiritual connection.
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