A restorative experience balances the body and mind back to harmony. Light to moderate pressure an amalgamation of relaxing massage techniques will be performed to help ease your muscles
A restorative experience balances the body and mind back to harmony. Light to moderate pressure an amalgamation of relaxing massage techniques will be performed to help ease your muscles
Promote muscle recovery with this moderate to deep tissue massage. Focused on targeting the areas of your body that require the most attention. A combination of deep strokes and neuromuscular techniques leave the body feeling invigorated for
Promote muscle recovery with this moderate to deep tissue massage. Focused on targeting the areas of your body that require the most attention. A combination of deep strokes and neuromuscular techniques leave the body feeling invigorated for
The Method employs a systematic treatment using joint movement and range of motion in combination with pressure points exercised upon a fully-relaxed, passive client. This Method facilitates the release of restrictions and increases the body’
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