This is a customized massage meant for just about anyone. If it has been a long time since your last massage, this is a great starting point. Techniques of Deep tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, and Neuromuscular will be incorporated into the st
Medical massage incorporates many techniques to address muscle and skeletal issues diagnosed by a doctor. For those wanting to avoid surgery, deal with nerve infringement, and pre/post surgery.
Soothe achy legs and swelling, and give your body a rest while preparing it for the ultimate sacrifice. To are a ROCK STAR and you deserve to be pampered like one. No matter where you are in your 9 months, this massage is sure to have you fe
Reflexology and Swedish/Deep with Rosemary Mint Paraffin
This ancient foot massage starts with a relaxing, tea tree foot soak, followed by a warming yet invigorating rosemary mint paraffin treatment to soften the skin and awaken the muscles. A customized 60 min massage will be performed while the p
Reflexology and Swedish/Deep with Rosemary Mint Paraffin
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