Hands on therapy to ease aches and pains; as well as assisting the body with it's own healing powers; relieves stress, reduces anxiety, improves flexibility, and improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
Long, stretching strokes are used to release muscular tensions. Manipulative in nature, rebalance of the body is sought through releasing tension in the fascia.
Body work with an exceptionally gentle touch
to achieve profound results. The primary
aim: to enhance well-being by releasing
tensions and balancing the craniosacral
rhythm within the body
Stimulates lymphatic system to help eliminate toxins from the body and strengthen immune system: soothes, relaxes, and is an excellent choice for relieving the pain and swelling of sinusitis, lymphedema, swollen ankles and pre and post surger
Couples 60/90 minute massage and two 30/60minute float sessions-this package gives you the chance to get a deeper relaxation when you float in our float tub. It has 850 lbs of Epsom salt giving you a near zero gravity experience. One of you
Float therapy offers a near zero gravity space. The float spa is a 4 x 8 foot tub filled with 10" of 96.5 water and 850 pounds of Epsom salt. Floatation therapy increases blood flow, releases endorphins, and assists the brain with achieving
Hydrates, detoxifies and provides metabolic stimulation. Dry brushing, salt or sugar scrub and then detox mask is applied. The client is wrapped with layers of blankets, sheets and heated blanket. Helps relieve tension, relax the body and
A deeply relaxing treatment that will enable the whole body to feel good and stay healthy; applying relaxing and therapeutic technique to work the reflex points of each foot for a general overall treatment to help release any energy blocks an
The sauna uses dry heat to help relax muscles and detoxify impurities from the body. Great for arthritis and chronic pain, this can also help relax muscles before a massage and assist in releasing within the deeper tissue of the muscles.
$15 Hands or Feet
$20 both
Immerse hands/feet into melted paraffin wax with essential oils, then wrapped in plastic and covered with mittens to soothe tired and painful joints.
This is a simple, but effective method for extracting ear wax build-up and impaction from within the ear canal. Helps relieve pain of sinus pressure, headaches, sore throat, swimmer's ear, tinnitus, and hearing aid wearing. 2 candles per ea
Military/Veteran and First Responder Float Sessions
We want to thank those of you who take care of all of us! We appreciate the safety we have because of you. We want to offer float sessions at no cost to you-schedule today. We have sessions from 30 minutes to get you started on you first fl
Military/Veteran and First Responder Float Sessions
1/2 price Float Sessions for family of Military/Veteran and First Responders
We want to thank the spouses/significate others and children of those who serve. We want to offer float sessions at half price to you- schedule today. We have sessions from 30 minutes to get you started on you first float sessions to 90 mi
1/2 price Float Sessions for family of Military/Veteran and First Responders
The relaxation room provides vibro/massage and acoustic therapy, grounding/acoustic or Red Light Therapy
Spend 10, 20 or 30 minutes to step into another level or relaxation. You can do this as a single service or pair with any service offere
Go on, be a good friend and share MassageBook with them. They'll love you for it.