This can be your typical soft touch melt into the table and fall asleep type of massage or this can be more of a condition specific type of a massage. This does not mean deep or painful. Therapeutic means you are coming in with a specific go
Therapeutic Massage
CranioSacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy uses gentle touch manipulation of your head, neck, and the bottom of your spine. Your neck, back, and hips will feel looser and freer.
CranioSacral Therapy
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release applies gentle but sustained pressure to areas of the body and hold for 5 minutes or longer to create an environment that releases both the elastic and collagenous barriers thus creating lasting changes within the fascia. T
Myofascial Release
Facial Cupping
Facial cupping uses cups designed specifically for you your face. Cupping uses negative pressure, rather than compression. Suction facilitates a soft tissue release, loosens and lifts connective tissue, increasing blood and lymph flow to the
Facial Cupping
15 Minute Chair Massage
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is excellent for relaxation and more, depending on the technique(s) used by your massage therapist.
15 Minute Chair Massage
Prenatal Massage
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. This technique uses specially-designed cushions and side-lying positions to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
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