Manual therapy to specific area of primary complaint. Palpation to assess muscle tissue and manipulation to break-up myofascial stiffness. Goal to reduce pain felt during daily activities and increase range of motion. Home stretches where ap
VA Initial Massage Therapy - 97140 x 4 - ROM Assessment
Pre-Approved VA Referral Only - Manual therapy to specific area tied to patient's primary chief complaint. Palpation to assess muscle tissue and manipulation to break-up myofascial stiffness. Goal to reduce pain, while improving range of moti
VA Initial Massage Therapy - 97140 x 4 - ROM Assessment
VA - Manual Therapy, Complexity Cont Care - 97140 x 4
Pre-Approved VA Referral Only - Manual therapy to specific area of patient's primary chief complaint. Palpation to assess muscle tissue and manipulation to break-up myofascial stiffness. Goal to reduce pain, while improving range of motion an
VA - Manual Therapy, Complexity Cont Care - 97140 x 4
VA - Manual Therapy, Complexity Cont Care - 97140 x 3 Units
Pre-Approved VA Referral Only - Manual therapy to patient's primary chief complaint. Palpation to assess muscle tissue and manipulation to break-up myofascial stiffness. Working to reduce pain, while improving range of motion and mobility. A
VA - Manual Therapy, Complexity Cont Care - 97140 x 3 Units
VA Manual Therapy, Complexity Cont Care - 97140 x 2 units
Pre-Approved VA Referral Only - Manual therapy to patient's primary chief complaint. Palpation to assess muscle tissue and manipulation to break-up myofascial stiffness. Working to reduce pain, while improving range of motion and mobility. A
VA Manual Therapy, Complexity Cont Care - 97140 x 2 units
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues. After a palmation asses
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