The entire body is one interconnected fascial web. Treatment of the body in this way ensures that the symptom of pain and/or lack of range of motion is treated at the source of the restriction, rather than where the person feels the pain. Thi
Initial Assessment and treatment session.
John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Session
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of immobility and pain.
The method engages the myofascial layers with gentle, but constant force until release occurs. Practitioners use fingers, hands, elbows and forearms to sl
John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Session
90 minute Myofascial Release session.
Myofascial Release uses specific techniques to stretch and repair the connective issue between your muscles (fascia). It helps your body heal properly from injuries and can restore range of motion.
90 minute Myofascial Release session.
Extended/Cranial session
Cranial work helps to ensure that the cranial plates of the skull have the needed movement for reduced migraines, headaches, tmj, etc.
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