Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is an innovative, assisted-stretching technique that increases mobility, eases tension, and relieves pain. FST treats the fascia, a layer of connective tissue that encases and supports the muscles, joints, tendon
Wood Therapy is a Colombian body technique that employs purposely shaped wood pieces to sculpt the body in desired areas, allowing the therapist to move and drain accumulated adipose tissue. This technique is a superior alternative to regular
Detox session were fat burn cream will be applied to the area of interest, it will get wrap up and the person will lay down in a thermal plastic then inside the sauna blanket where warm temperatures will be increased to make the body sweat, b
Facial cupping is meant to increase blood circulation and stimulate the facial cells that are responsible for collagen production. In turn, this can brighten your skin, minimize the appearance of scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and tone your
Escoge 1 de los siguiente tratamientos y una Sola area a trabajar.
Cavitacion Ultrasonica, Radio Frecuencia, Vacuum Therapy , Laser pads,Maderoterapia
O sauna Blanket.
This is perfect for someone who wants an amazing start to their weight loss journey, for their wedding day, or even going on vacation! You will have your abdomen and waist defined, your back and love handles toned by RF, buttocks with vacuum,
Levantamiento de Gluteos , se tarabajan los gluteos, muslos delanteros y traseros. Incl: aparatologia, drenaje manual, madero y metal terapia, levantamiento en frio para tonificar , vacuum. tecnologia G5
Gluteos y hamstrings, solo se trabajan los gluteos y pierna trasera, Incl: aparatologia, drenaje manual, madero y metal terapia, levantamiento en frio para tonificar , vacuum.
Gluteos solamente, solo se tarabajan los gluteos, Incl: aparatologia, drenaje manual, madero y metal terapia, levantamiento en frio para tonificar , vacuum.
Wood Therapy is a Colombian body technique that employs purposely shaped wood pieces to sculpt the body in desired areas, allowing the therapist to move and drain accumulated adipose tissue. This technique is a superior alternative to regular
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