This is an individualized massage that focuses the attention on your personal needs. If you have a specific problem area that needs more sports and orthopedic, or deep tissue type techniques, that is what you will receive. If you would simply
Extend your relaxation experience with an extra 15-minutes of time for a little nap following your session. This helps get you into a deep, meditative state of rest, and is magical for reducing stress. Choose the length of massage you wish to
Prenatal massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. We use a specially-designed U-shaped body pillow for a comfortable side-lying position to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
Lymphatic Drainage is a very gentle and light touch massage that helps to direct lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes. The lymphatic system is part of your immune system and cleans toxins, proteins, cancer cells, viruses, and dead cells ab
Energy work helps to facilitate healing and re-aligns the energies of the body. Some modalities are done working within the client's personal aura and very little body contact is made, but yet has a powerful effect on the individual. Sensatio
Do you find it difficult lying on your belly and/or back? Well, this is the massage for you! This massage includes a U-shaped body pillow on the table allowing you to lie on your side in a more supported and comfortable position. When the b
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is an excellent option for a quick fix of upper back, neck and shoulder pain.
"Couples Therapy" - Four-Hands Massage with your Partner
Take turns giving and receiving a four-hands massage with your partner, and massage coach, Serra Wobbema. Learning how to touch each other in a therapeutic way, and communicating your body's needs to your partner in a safe and relaxing enviro
"Couples Therapy" - Four-Hands Massage with your Partner
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