A massage that focuses on a targeted area of concern. Using deep tissue massage techniques along with range of motion movements and passive/active stretching, it is intended to relieve pain in both superficial/deep muscle and connective tissu
Combines a variety of therapeutic and deep tissue techniques, focusing on problematic areas as well as providing a sense of full body relaxation. This massage is particularly great for clients with an active lifestyle or those recovering from
This massage crafts a variety of the Sensory Massage modalities. Within this massage you will experience some Focused Therapeutic/Deep Massage techniques on areas where knots, mild to severe tension are present. Relaxation Massage that allows
Smooth bamboo rods are heated and then lubricated with oil. The therapeutic effects of heat is used to relax the muscles more deeply. Combined with long flowing strokes you quickly become "melted" to the table. Used as an extension of the the
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the needs of the soon-to-be mothers. A specially designed pregnancy pillow is used allowing expected mothers to enjoy the benefits of a massage while in the prone (face down) position. The pillow can be
A very light touch is used over the sheet and on the body. This modality will put you in a state of mind just outside of what is reality. Designed for deep relaxation, balancing of energy and stress relief, you will feel new and realigned wit
Lomi Lomi is a Hawaiian method that combines a variety of techniques using the forearms and elbows to massage. Lomi Lomi can hep strech muscles, increase blood flow, aid in positive lymphatic flow. Pressure can be light or deep. It will lea
A massage that can be focused on a targeted area of concern or full body 45. Using various techniques from deep tissue to relaxing massage techniques, it is intended to relieve pain in both superficial/deep muscle and connective tissue in fo
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