Rachel is trained in various techniques including Reflexology, Trigger Point Therapy, Swedish Massage, Prenatal, Hot Stone, Chakra balancing, Deep Tissue, and Thai Yoga Massage. She is also a Reiki Ma...
Rachel is trained in various techniques including Reflexology, Trigger Point Therapy, Swedish Massage, Prenatal, Hot Stone, Chakra balancing, Deep Tissue, and Thai Yoga Massage. She is also a Reiki Master. She can address specific issues of complaint while easing the client into a realm of relaxation. Each session is catered to you! She considers it an honor to do the work she does and she looks forward to working with you! Rachel is a licensed Massage Therapist in Indiana and Kentucky. She received her Massage Therapy education from the Louisville School of Massage. Along with practicing massage, Rachel also teaches in the Therapeutic Massage program at Ivy Tech Bloomington. Her goal in life has been to help others, through a process of obtaining a Bachelors in Psychology to a Masters in Counseling paired with over ten years of therapeutic service she has found a fit that meets her goal! While working in a psychiatric residential treatment facility she saw the benefits and shortcomings of talk therapy/counseling. The body holds stress, memories, depression, anger etc. that the mind cannot always express. It was during this time that she pursued Massage Therapy to better help others. She has seen Massage as an excellent way to release the tension in life, believing Massage is more than stress relief or a once-a-year treat, but rather something the body, mind, and soul need to maintain overall health and wellness. There is much stress and uncertainty in our world right now. Heavy hearts, fears, anxiety and sadness seem to be all around. Do know there are abundant safety, cleaning and sanitizing efforts implemented to make this a safe and healthy space for you to receive treatment. However, I do ask that if you have had a fever, flu or any respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, sore throat), been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days who has been diagnosed with covid-19 or has coronavirus symptoms that you schedule your session after a 14 day waiting period. Massage is an extremely beneficial way to handle and balance life, your body and your whole self. Please take time to care for yourself by getting a massage if you feel you are healthy and safe to do so.
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