Traditionally designed to apply pressure to layers of muscle, tendons and other tissues deep under the skin, deep tissue massage can be very effective in relieving problem areas and is highly therapeutic. Deep tissue massage is generally a mo
The Swedish modality has one main focus: relaxation. However, through soft, long strokes and touches of effleurage, petrissage, friction and tapotement, Swedish is also therapeutically beneficial by relieving muscle tension, increasing blood
Whether you’re a serious or occasional athlete, enjoying less muscle pain and stiffness, as well as improved performance is a good reason to get regular massage.
Sports massage incorporates techniques and stretching specific to the athlete’s
Trigger point therapy taps into the body’s internal web of muscles and tissues to unlock common chronic and injury-related pains caused by tension and stress. Doing continuous movement can irritate tissue, which over time can lead to the dev
If your muscles are tight or your joints have limited range of motion, consider incorporating assisted stretching into your massage. When combined with regular massage, stretching can help your Massage Therapist work more effectively with les
Because areas of the feet are directly associated with various parts of the body, your massage therapist can start working with your feet and your hands to release pain and tension before moving to traditional massage techniques. The combinat
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