New Patient Consultation & Acupuncture.
A detailed health history is reviewed, and time is spent getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits,
Follow Up Acupuncture 60 Minutes (Johnsburg) CPT 97810
Acupuncture CPT 97810
Acupuncture is one of the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that inserts thin, sterile needles, into the skin at strategic points along energy channels of the body. TCM incorporates herbal therapy, massag
Follow Up Acupuncture 60 Minutes (Johnsburg) CPT 97810
Quantum Biofeedback Therapy CPT 90901 (NEW CLIENTS ONLY) 90 min (Johnsburg)
The Quantum Indigo™ is the most comprehensive biofeedback system available that helps you achieve balance in body, mind, and spirit. Biofeedback helps to manage and retrain stress patterns in the body by measuring and correcting the electri
Quantum Biofeedback Therapy CPT 90901 (NEW CLIENTS ONLY) 90 min (Johnsburg)
Follow Up Quantum Biofeedback Therapy CPT 90901 75 min (Johnsburg)
The Quantum Indigo™ is the most comprehensive biofeedback system available that helps you achieve balance in body, mind, and spirit. Biofeedback helps to manage and retrain stress patterns in the body by measuring and correcting the electri
Follow Up Quantum Biofeedback Therapy CPT 90901 75 min (Johnsburg)
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