A customized massage to fit each individual's problem areas. This may include a combination of deep tissue, trigger point therapy, stretching and more!
A combination of massage and cupping techniques for the ultimate treatment. With massage and cupping combined, this will give the client more time to relax and receive more benefits from the therapist.
With negative pressure, cups are placed and/or dragged along the body which creates a vacuum force pull on the skin and fascia beneath the skin. This will help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, the lymphatic system and so much more.
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues.
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
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