New Patient Consultation & Acupuncture.
A detailed health history is reviewed, and time is spent getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits,
Acupuncture CPT 97810
Acupuncture is one of the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that inserts thin, sterile needles, into the skin at strategic points along energy channels of the body. TCM incorporates herbal therapy, massag
Acupuncture CPT 97810
Acupuncture is one of the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that inserts thin, sterile needles, into the skin at strategic points along energy channels of the body. TCM incorporates herbal therapy, massag
*Initial Acupuncture Consult Must Be Completed First* Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture using thin, sterile needles inserted into specific points along the body, combined with Cupping Therapy on specific acupuncture points allows for a
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