Sandra Rodriguez is a licensed massage therapist based in Maui, HI. She has dedicated her life to the science and philosophy of Prana for over 13 years. She was introduced to Yoga and Meditation on th...
Alysha is a body-based healer and her calling to serve through bodywork started with her love for dance and culture. As a dancer, Alysha has an intuitive relationship with the body. She was trained as...
Aloha! I’m Andrew, a dedicated and highly motivated Massage therapist. My passion is rooted in the power of massage and is dedicated to helping clients to find a peaceful and relaxing experience for t...
Chung brings a wealth of experience in diverse energetic and shamanic healing modalities, including Medical Qigong, Reiki, and Daoist and Pranic traditions, to support personal growth and well-being. ...
Alison is a holistic healer and duel licensed therapist with specialized knowledge in many modalities. With a background as a teacher for 23 years. She traveled the world experiencing many different t...
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