Restorative massage therapy using a variety of techniques to provide a deep and lasting relaxation of your musculoskeletal problems. Customized blend of MFR, Swedish, and Therapeutic massage techniques so you can "Nest in Good Health."
The session begins with a postural assessment to determine the areas of improvement within the body. Following the assessment, at least 30 minutes of PNF (assisted stretch) will be paired with therapeutic massage.
Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. PNF (proprioceptive-neuromuscular-facilitation) stretches and deep tissue massage will be used for safely relieving cramped and
Hot Stone Relaxation Massage
Relax with the therapeutic touch of Swedish massage along with heated stones applied to the body. Always to your heat tolerance. Research shows that heat relaxes our nervous system- which improves the muscles abil
Therapeutic Massage & Stretch Combo- for Veterans/Active Military
Restorative Therapy using a variety of techniques to provide a deep and lasting relaxation of your musculoskeletal problems. Customized blend of MFR techniques, Swedish, deep tissue and neuromuscular. Paired with at least 30 minutes of assist
Therapeutic Massage & Stretch Combo- for Veterans/Active Military
[Therapeutic massage + Hot Stone + Reflexology + Red Light Therapy}. The therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply. Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, the use of massage stones induces deep relaxation and p
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