Therapeutic massage incorporates various techniques including deep tissue, myuofacial release or assisted stretching. This treatment is designed to address your concerns at the time of your appointment and to compliment your health and fitnes
Prenatal massage focuses on addressing the specific needs of pregnancy. Treatment is performed while the client lies on their side, with the use of special cushions and bolsters for comfort. Prenatal massage may be instrumental in alleviating
If you're between 38-40 weeks and wishing to avoid a medical induction you might want to give induction massage a try. Through the use of deep tissue, and acupressure techniques labor may be brought on naturally. Ideal for pregnant persons wi
If you have just given birth, are breastfeeding or wearing your baby, postpartum massage is for you. Massage after labor may be just as important as massage before labor. For up to 1 year postpartum massage may help to regulate hormones, pro
Relieve pain, and balance energy and hormone levels. Menstrual cycle massage alleviates common discomforts associated with PMS and menstruation. Through the use of warming and comforting essential oil blends, heated packs and towels, placed o
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