Sharon is an experienced massage therapist, practicing for 15+ years. She is also a registered chiropractic assistant and has worked in chiropractic clinics since graduation. She specializes in ther...
Sharon is an experienced massage therapist, practicing for 15+ years. She is also a registered chiropractic assistant and has worked in chiropractic clinics since graduation. She specializes in therapeutic massage, and is certified in the following modalities: Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Work, Stretching, Asian Bodywork, Sports, Cupping and Medical Massage. Sharon believes in holistic medicine. She works as an ambassador at Plexus, the Health & Happiness company. Plexus products range from gut health to weight loss to pain relief. Sharon is able to advise her clients using a combination of supplements, essential oils and bodywork to achieve maximum health. Sharon also has educational experience in psychology and Eastern Medicine Theory. Sharon's treatments get results because she believes in treating the person as a whole.
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