Hello my name is James Donatelli. I created the Donatelli Wellness Center to help people get out of pain and to teach proper running and movement techniques to youth athletes so they are less prone to...
Hello my name is James Donatelli. I created the Donatelli Wellness Center to help people get out of pain and to teach proper running and movement techniques to youth athletes so they are less prone to injuries. There is a growing epidemic of knee injuries in our youth athletes that require surgery, and these injuries are due to a misalignment of the body posture and these injuries are totally preventable with posture alignment bodywork and movement retraining. I am a Rolfer, a Posture Alignment Specialist and a Health Coach. I can help clients get out of pain and help take their flexibility, balance, running and movement performance to a new level. You only have one body in your lifetime so lets take care of it to maximize energy and productivity. Your body needs YOU to do regular periodic maintenance to optimize your heath and energy, and minimize down time from sickness and pain. Your body is like a race car that needs to be tuned up. My office is like a pit stop, You come in get tuned up, so you can get back in the race. At The Donatelli Wellness Center, you will learn how you have control over your own healing process. And how injuries do not heal, they create internal energy blockages that slow you down, unless you get help to get these blockages opened and released. Working with me is unique because l identify what your body needs and then to address the root causes of your pain, not just suppress the symptoms with drugs. I help you stimulate your natural healing process that we all have in our bodies. Working together, we can relieve your chronic pain, and if you want, we can also improve the way your body performs in sports and in life. We will get your body in better balance physically, energetically and emotionally. Put my many years of experience to work for you! For more information please visit my website at www.donatelliwellness.com or give me a call at 561-221-7123 and we can start a discussion about you wellness goals.
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