Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation.
Deep Tissue M
This is a 30 minute detailed foot massage for lower body release. This foot treatment focuses intensely on the fascia, tendons, and muscles in the foot, ankle, and calf. It can relieve foot, knee, and hip pain, and is also a helpful treatme
Craniosacral therapy uses gentle touch manipulation of your head, neck, and the (sacrum) bottom of your spine.
**If you have received CST previously, please feel free to book a single session. If you are new to CST, I recommend that you boo
Massage + Advanced Foot Treatment or Reflexology Combo
This Package combines into one session:
-A 60 minute Massage + a 30 minute Advanced Foot Massage or Reflexology.
-A 90 minute Massage + a 30 minute Advanced Foot Massage or Reflexology
Massage + Advanced Foot Treatment or Reflexology Combo
To facilitate the TMJ massage therapeutic process, your therapist would work to massage the muscles and fascia (tough, dense connective tissue that surrounds muscle and soft tissues) in the jaw region. The objective would be to massage trigge
There is no official charge connected to this appointment, but I may work based on a recommended $75 tip to go towards my education in Ortho-Bionomy®. (Thank you!)
*Ortho-Bionomy® is a neurological and structural based work that enables th
If you are curious about how Ortho-Bionomy works and would like to try a short session, this is the perfect option for you. There will be no charge for this but tips are greatly appreciated and will help me finance my next week of education.
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