Medically based work with the intention of reducing pain, healing of injuries, reduction of inflammation by releasing myofascial restrictions. Facilitated stretching, heat may be applied as requested. Neuromuscular Therapy uses a variety o
Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes. Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. Facilitated stretching may be incorporated as needed or upon
Facilitated stretching incorporates active motion and isometric effort to improve flexibility and enhance motor learning in the process. Experience enhanced pain relief, increased range of motion, enhanced sports performance. Can be a stand
Focus on the temporomandibular joint and surrounding tissues that may include intra-oral work designed to relieve pain and tension in this area. TMJD can be a major factor of headache and neck pain.
Congratulations! Rejuvenate yourself with some loving care for those tired, achey limbs, tense back and shoulders. You will most likely be lying on your side, comfortably supported by numerous pillows.
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