Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes, kneading, and gentle joint ranges of motion and stretching. Swedish massage uses moderately firm pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits.
1-hour Integrative Massage
1-hour Integrative Massage
Derived from acupuncture, Acupressure is a method that uses physical pressure applied to acupuncture points throughout the body. It works to rebalance your chi, relieve tension, and improve your overall health.
1-hour Integrative Massage
1-hour Integrative Massage
Reflexology is a technique that focuses on specific pressure points within your feet to help correct energy flows throughout your body.
Reintegrate and reorganize body, mind, emotions, spirit. Start with SE and then move onto the table for Massage.
2-hour Somatic Experiencing and Massage
Mini 90 x 6
Do Something Nice For Yourself, every month for half the year.
The Mini 90 offers 6 sessions, each 90-minutes
A 10% savings. Valid for 6 months.
Mini 90 x 6
Basic Monthly 90 x 12
Monthly Maintenance Massage.
Basic includes a 90-minute massage every month for a year.
A 15% savings. Valid for one year.
Basic Monthly 90 x 12
Committed 60 x 20
Bi-weekly Massage for Improved Health Benefits.
Committed includes 20 1-hour sessions over the year.
Scheduling priority. Can alternate Massage with Somatic Experiencing.
A 20% savings. Valid for one year.
Committed 60 x 20
Premium Monthly 120 x 12
Monthly SE and Massage
Premium includes a 2-hour SE and Massage session every month.
A 15% savings. Valid for one year.
Premium Monthly 120 x 12
Thriving 90 x 20
Bi-weekly Massage and SE for deeper healing, inside and out
The Thriving Plan includes 20 90-minute sessions
Combines Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Massage as needed
Scheduling priority. A 20% savings. Valid for one year.
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