CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around t
Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes. Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow
Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes. Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow
Smooth stones are heated and then lubricated with oil or essential oils, the therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply. Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, the use of massage stones induces deep relaxation a
Smooth stones are heated and then lubricated with oil or essential oils, the therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply. Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, the use of massage stones induces deep relaxation a
Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Gliding Therapy/Cupping is a vacuum type of massage technique performed with handheld cups. Placing suction cups on the body creates a partial vacuum to reduce tension on the skin and tissues underneath. By creating suction and vacuum pressur
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles.
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles.
Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. It is great for relieving cramped and overused muscles. Myofascial trigger points are painful, tense areas that are found in mus
Oncology massage is a supportive therapy that helps cancer patients manage their symptoms and side effects before, during, and after treatment. It also enhances comfort and helps ease the anxiety and depression associated with cancer diagnosi
Geriatric massage technique employs light, gentle massage and passive stretching to ease muscle tension without excessive friction on the skin. Geriatric massage benefits those who are less physically active by helping to promote circulation
Kinesiology tape is a therapeutic tape that is used to support muscles and joints and help reduce pain and swelling. The cost is $15 per area and $10 for each additional area.
Lymphatic Drainage is a very gentle light massage that helps to direct lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes. The lymphatic system is part of your immune system and cleans toxins, proteins, cancer cells, viruses, and dead cells about 20 tim
Reflexology is a technique that focuses on specific pressure points within your feet to help correct energy flows throughout your body. Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medical practice involving the application of p
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