Deep Tissue Massage

What Is A Deep Tissue Massage? Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially beneficial for people with chronic aches and pains or those experiencing stiffness in areas such as the neck, lower back, shoulders, and legs. Here’s what a…


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral massage therapists gently work the bones of the head, neck, and sacrum. Craniosacral therapy restores the natural position and alignment of bones and joints in the head and neck, alleviating pain. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is based on an understanding of the body’s own cranial rhythmic impulse which is felt through the hands of the…


Lymphatic Massage

The lymphatic system plays a central role in the removal of metabolic waste. When the lymphatic flow is interrupted or becomes sluggish through lack of hydration, poor diet or inactivity, all other body systems are affected negatively. One way to kick start the lymphatic system and improve its efficiency is through lymphatic massage. Lymphatic massage…


Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a beautiful – but often uncomfortable – time for a woman. As she grows new life within her body, she experiences aches, pains, and fatigue like she’s never known. Fortunately for expecting women, prenatal massage helps to relieve those symptoms so that they can enjoy the miracle that is their unborn baby. The…


Trigger Point Therapy

What is trigger point therapy? Have you ever had a sore spot in your shoulder or neck that hurts when you massage it? That might be a trigger point! But don’t worry, they’re not permanent and can be treated. When muscles tense, they can form trigger points that restrict blood flow and cause pain. That’s…
