I wanted to become a massage therapist when I saw the effect it had on peoples' mobility and overall health. I wanted a fulfilling career with a positive impact on peoples’ lives and wellbeing. I graduated from Florida Career College where I received my professional qualification as a Licensed Massage Therapist. I have worked for private clients and a variety of spas and clinics, specializing in deep tissue and sport massage, lymph drainage, pregnancy and tiger point therapy. I also do Swedis...
I wanted to become a massage therapist when I saw the effect it had on peoples' mobility and overall health. I wanted a fulfilling career with a positive impact on peoples’ lives and wellbeing. I graduated from Florida Career College where I received my professional qualification as a Licensed Massage Therapist. I have worked for private clients and a variety of spas and clinics, specializing in deep tissue and sport massage, lymph drainage, pregnancy and tiger point therapy. I also do Swedish massage. I enjoy meditation, exercise, and music - See more at: https://www.massagebook.com/west_palm_beach~Massage~bridgette-greene#sthash.L2WDbjEh.dpuf - See more at: https://www.massagebook.com/dashboard#content,/messaging/index