Swedish massage is a procedure used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. At the same time, it is a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that promotes relaxation, stress relief, complete relaxation and elimination of residual effects of stress
Swedish massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a form of physiotherapy that allows you to cope with tension in the deepest layers of muscle tissue. Deep Tissue Massage (Deep Tissue Massage) is an incredibly intense experience that will help you relax the most tense
Deep Tissue Massage
Prenatal massage
Prenatal massage is the perfect way to pass the time as you await your little bundle and ease the body aches that accompany pregnancy. All prenatal massages focus on addressing the special needs of expecting women and are performed in a side-
Prenatal massage
Massage Cupping Add-on (20 Minutes)
The purpose of cupping massage is to influence the vacuum on the skin receptors, while there is a significant rush of blood to the tissues. At this point, the destruction of subcutaneous fatty tissue occurs, and the circulation of lymph, blo
Massage Cupping Add-on (20 Minutes)
Sports Massage
Sports massage is a technique that is used to prepare the body for physical activity, as well as to speed up the recovery process after training. Sports massage allows you to increase the physical endurance of the body and improve the profes
Sports Massage
Soft Pressure
Almost instantly relieves fatigue and stress - a person has a feeling of joy and spiritual harmony, improves well-being and peace of mind. Some psychotherapists prescribe this type of massage for depression and insomnia, and also replace man