A holistic approach to massage therapy and wellness.
Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Orlando is a professional therapist owned and client-centered massage establishment offering custom therapeutic massage and bodywork. We believe that therapeutic massage and bodywork is important to receive in order to help relieve chronic pain, stress, anxiety, injury, recovery from physical activity, improve range of motion and flexibility, improve the body's resilience, and generally support mental and emotional wellbeing. We truly believe that consistent, regular massage enhances ones overall health and well-being.
Our goal is to match our client's needs with the appropriate type of service in order to obtain the greatest benefits from massage therapy, as well as, support them in their pursuit of finding life balance via the inseparable connection between body and mind. We believe that massage not only relieves physical pain but mental and emotional stress as well.
Our vision is to be empathetic, compassionate, and accepting practitioners - to be present with and to assist our clients in achieving a better quality of life through appropriate therapeutic massage and holistic healing modalities.
Our mission is to provide a safe, comfortable environment where we are able to facilitate and promote health and healing through therapeutic massage and/or other holistic healing modalities to enhance the lives of our clients.
*Professional, skilled, knowledgeable, and caring therapists who love what they do.
*Full sessions at the advertised length of time (60 minutes = 60 minutes hands on massage).
*Convenient hours and online booking.
**Appointments required**