Thai Massage Is Experiencing the Freedom & Wellbeing in Body, Mind, & Spirit!

Namaste, and thank you for visiting Thai Massage Albuquerque!

Thai Massage Albuquerque is the sister business of Healthwork Yoga and Massage Therapy. You can read more about us as well as view our review in the "about" on the Healthwork Yoga and Massage Therapy booking web page here on Massagebook. 

Our Mission Statement:
You have the right to feel great!
Thai Massage Albuquerque, we believe that by taking care of ourselves, further, the world will be a better place—spread the love!

Thai Yoga Massage or just Thai Massage is an ancient massage therapy modality combining ancient healing system such as the Ayurveda, compression massage, and assisted yoga poses. Thai Massage was originally developed in Thailand more than 2500 years ago, and this fantastic healing modality has since then spread throughout the world and is now practiced by many healing professionals.

One can describe Thai massage as a passive yoga practice. It is not uncommon that a Thai Massage recipient says that he or she feels like they have just done a yoga class and is experiencing the peace and wellbeing that comes from a yoga practice. So, in our word, Thai Massage is experiencing the peace, freedom, and wellbeing in body, mind, and spirit! Although, there is nothing like a personal yoga practice, but there are times that we just want to relax and feel the experience of just doing nothing, this is where Thai Yoga Massage comes in. So with this said: 

Treat yourself to a Thai Massage—there is nothing like it, experiencing wellbeing and freedom

in body, mind, and spirit!

Thai Massage Albuquerque


Operating Hours

  • Monday
    By appointment only
  • Tuesday
    By appointment only
  • Wednesday
    By appointment only
  • Thursday
    By appointment only
  • Friday
    By appointment only
  • Saturday
    By appointment only
  • Sunday
(505) 235-8032