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AromaTouch Technique Special
This Technique uses eight specific essential oils on the zones of the back and of the feet to relieve, stress, pain and tension, enhance immune function, and promote homeostasis.
AromaTouch Technique Special
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Zyto Balance, General Wellness Scan, and Report
Finding the right nutritional products and essential oils can be a long and arduous process. But what if you could simplify and improve that difficult process by asking the body directly? With a ZYTO biocommunication scan, you can do just tha
Zyto Balance, General Wellness Scan, and Report
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Ear Candling
During a session, a hollow candle is placed in the ear canal and the tip is lit. The fire on the opposite end of the candle creates suction and therefore, reduces pressure. May require more then one session to get optimum results.
Ear Candling
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Zyto Balance Scan and Report with Meridian Therapy
Our therapists will use your unique Zyto report to flush and balance your meridian system. Meridian therapy is a traditional Chinese medical practice built around the 12 meridians in your body. These meridians each correspond with an organ. T
Zyto Balance Scan and Report with Meridian Therapy
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Aura Cleanse
Our Therapist will scan your energy field, feeling for tears, holes, stagnancy, or other imbalances and gently guide the energy to repair itself and return to balance.
Aura Cleanse
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Chakra Balance
60 min. Chakra Balance - During a typical session, all chakras are tested for flow with low flowing chakras being scanned and released of stagnant or negative energy.
Chakra Balance
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Emotion Code
30-60 Minute Emotion Code Session - Our Emotion Code Certified Practitioner uses muscle and energy testing to find and release trapped energies within the clients energy system.
Emotion Code
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Energy/Body Talk
Our most commonly asked for energy service. Our therapist will energetically communicate with your body in order to customize your energy session to your body's needs
Energy/Body Talk
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Remote Energetic Body Scan
Our therapist will energetically communicate with your body remotely to release trapped or stagnant energy. You do not need to physically be present for this session.
Remote Energetic Body Scan
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Meridian Work
60 Minute Meridian Work - Our therapist will scan your energy pathways for trapped energies and assist your body in releasing those to enhance energy flow and promote balanc
Meridian Work
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Personal Angel Card Reading
Looking for guidance? Wanting to hear messages from your angels or spirit guides? Our therapist will connect with you energetically and align your cards so that you receive that special message meant just for yo
Personal Angel Card Reading
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A.C.E. Cellular Memory
Our bodies hold onto trauma or Limed beliefs in our cells making it difficult to move forward in Life. Access Consciousness Energetic uses positive touch points on face and neck regenerating new thinking patterns.
A.C.E. Cellular Memory
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VSER Foot Technique
During a typical session, we are able to hold specific points to ground, connect, and center our client. Additional organ points will be worked allowing for time.
VSER Foot Technique
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Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922. Reiki practitioners use "universal energy" to encourage emotional or physical healing.
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Foot Bath Detox
30 Min. Detox Foot Therapy - The feet are soaked in a Detoxing foot bath for 30 minutes, after which a light foot massage is performed.
Foot Bath Detox
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20 Min. Harmonic Light Therapy
Harmonic light combines the ultimate biological nutrient of Light and the tuning Vibrational Frequency to profoundly benefit the mind, body, and emotional higher self.
20 Min. Harmonic Light Therapy
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40 Min. Harmonic Light Therapy
Harmonic light combines the ultimate biological nutrient of Light and the tuning Vibrational Frequency to profoundly benefit the mind, body, and emotional higher self. 40 minutes allows time to focus more on goals for the Body's Homeostasis
40 Min. Harmonic Light Therapy
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Chakra Wand 20 Minute
The Portable Chakra Wand delivers the pure colors of light with a harmonic pulsation of 432hz, perfect for chakra balancing
Chakra Wand 20 Minute