A variety of massage techniques are utilized to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface as well as promote relaxation and overall wellness. Each massage session is individually tailored to meet your specific needs.
This Swedish massage uses gentle pressure and longer, gliding strokes to promote relaxation, and ease muscle tension. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation.
A variety of massage thechniques are utilized to relieve pain and discomfort. Appointment cost to client is dependent upon amount of copay required by Kaiser.
Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes. Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow