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Hesed Wellness Salisbury

Next available opening
Sat, Sep 21st 9:00AM

At Hesed my head, hands and heart are working together to serve my clients.

Hesed Wellness Salisbury is a wellness and massage therapy practice located in downtown Salisbury behind the library in unit 118 in the Cannon building. The office is open by appointment only. The office has a waiting area with hot beverages and cold water available, a small table and three chairs. You may have a guest or 2 wait in the waiting area. The treatment room is separate from the waiting area. After 5pm I will meet clients at either the front or back door of the Cannon building.

I require a 50% deposit to book online because I am setting time aside just for you.

If you are wanting a specialized plan to help with a specific problem such as chronic pain, muscle imbalances or improving posture rather than just a routine massage please select the intake appointment for your first visit so I can add a 30 minute intake to meet you and do a physical assessment to find muscle imbalances and develop a plan with you.


The parking garage is free for 2 hours.

The City is transitioning to Electric Meters for Parking, but still has metered spaces throughout the Downtown as we make the transition.

For Electric Meters, you pay by your car’s Plate Number at the Electric Meter Station. You can pay by Coin, Card, or on the Flowbird app.

City parking is free from 4 PM – 8 AM and on weekends and holidays.

My name is Melanie and I am both an RN and LMT (licensed massage therapist). I have nursing experience working in a variety of community settings including hospital, home health, hospice, camp nursing, pediatrics, developmental disabilities, nurse consultation, case management and third world missions. I have been a nurse since 2008 and became a licensed massage therapist in Feb 2023.

In nursing school I was taught basic effleurage for my patients. When I lived in a 3rd world area of the Dominican Republic and people from the village came to me with loved ones dying of cancer, there was no hospice to refer them to, so I made some massage oil with essential oils and taught them basic effleurage. The families reported their loved one experienced relief from pain and better rest. Whenever I gently rubbed a patient’s back or feet as a nurse, I noticed them calm down and breathe slower and become less anxious. Between experiences with my patients and my own experiences with receiving massage I returned to school to learn the science of massage therapy and how to practice massage therapy formally.

Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made! I am passionate about helping individuals value, understand and care for their bodies. The body has an amazing capacity to repair itself, maintain homeostasis and heal. Massage therapy assists the body with these processes by increasing circulation, decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression, lowering blood pressure, improving digestion, relieving pain, improving mood, improving rest, decreasing stress hormones such as cortisol, stimulating protein synthesis in the cells, improving cognitive function, releasing adhesions, realigning fibers and by helping the body to release emotional and physical tension. Manual therapy also can help release physical restrictions to restore range of motion.

I work another job and am not always available to answer phone calls, but can respond to text messages. PLEASE COMMUNICATE THROUGH TEXT IF POSSIBLE. Please include your first and last name, services you are interested in and any questions that you have in your text message. I will respond as soon as I am able and will return a call during normal business hours.

If you would like an appointment on a different day or time please text me and I may be able to accommodate your request.

The practice does not bill insurance and does not issue paper receipts or records in the office. They are emailed or can be printed and mailed if needed. HSA cards can be used to pay for massage therapy.

All clients are required to provide their name, phone number and address and complete the intake forms that will be emailed to them. A complete, truthful and accurate health history is required to help me determine whether massage is safe or there is a risk or contraindication for the client to receive massage. Intake forms must be completed prior to the appointment so I can review them and do any needed research. If the forms are not completed, the appointment will be canceled or rescheduled. If you have a disability please let me know and I can schedule an intake with you.

As an RN, I am able to provide health education and advocacy. As an LMT, I am able to teach about the effects of stress and trauma on the body and the benefits of massage therapy. Please let the me know if you are interested in learning about your body or if you are just interested in relaxation.

 I have received 5 CEU's in providing massage to clients who have suffered trauma including 1 CEU in providing massage therapy to pediatric clients who have suffered trauma and 1.5 hours in pediatric massage. I have completed 3 hours in ethics, 1 in unconscious bias, 1 in cultural competency and diversity and multiple CEU's in the mind body relationship as well as the fascial system.

All clients are required to sign a Zero Tolerance policy. Sexual solicitation, inappropriate speech, touching, or gestures, and aggressive verbal or physical behavior will not be tolerated.  Any individual displaying such behavior will be immediately dismissed from the office and practice.

 I absolutely love the developmental disabilities community and am willing to work with individuals to see if massage therapy may be beneficial to those who have behavioral challenges. We can try massage with clothing on, on the table, on the massage chair, and figure out what the individual prefers and does not like.

I require all clients to sign a late, sick and cancellation policy. Your time is valuable and I am setting aside time just for you.

IF you have been a victim of human trafficking, abuse by clergy, are a refugee of war, OR you are referred by a protective services agency or an advocacy center AND finances are a barrier to receiving massage therapy, THEN please inform me and I will do my best to work out a plan to provide therapy. 

For mental health professionals making referrals. Massage therapy will be trauma informed and remain focused on the body, responding professionally, compassionately and therapeutically to emotional releases and physical symptoms. I have received training to use and teach sensory awareness techniques to regulate a dorsal vagal response such as disassociation and on how to respond to physical and emotional symptoms associated with activation of the sympathetic nervous system. It is my recommendation that therapeutic touch or myofascial release be used for clients with a history of trauma if there is hypersensitivity, hyper arousal, or hyper vigilance.

First responders, military and police officers may request a 15% discount with ID. 

 Anyone who purchased , received or won a gift certificate from the Hesed Bodywork Massage Therapy and Wellness practice in Snow Hill may use their certificate at the Hesed Wellness Salisbury office. Please let me know when you message me that you have a gift certificate. 

I am is available to speak to your group about the effects of stress and trauma on the body and the benefits of massage therapy. Parent groups, educational institutions, clinics, mental health practices, recovery centers, home school groups, churches, physician offices, domestic violence shelters, rescue agencies and advocacy centers can benefit from this knowledge.


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Hesed Wellness Salisbury
Next available opening
Sat, Sep 21st 9:00AM


Operating Hours

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    By appointment only
  • Wednesday
    By appointment only
  • Thursday
    By appointment only
  • Friday
  • Saturday
    By appointment only
  • Sunday
(443) 736-0655