Body and Mind should to be together seem as Yin and Yang, can't missing each one
He truly believes that for good health we need to understanding the beginning of Chinese Medicine, originating thousand of years ago, and apply those principles to our modern lifestyle of today. “Balancing our lifestyle with factors of how we eat, sleep, work, live, and environment making us feeling the pressure and stress of time – is the key to good health. That is my commitment to you, it's my job to help the each patient, stop a moment, focus on the root cause of the problem, and get the treatment needed for healing and to restore balance.” Mr Caulo has well developed experience in Thai Bodywork from Thailand for more than 15 years. Today, he uses a combination of Acupuncture with Thai Yoga Bodywork, and Tuina blended by his own unique style to treat not only the symptoms but the cause of pain. His joy is to see people feeling better.