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Groupon ONLY 60 min session- Text a screen shot of your voucher after you book!
Groupon Vouchers only- 60 minute session, 50 minute hands-on massage time. Must text (385) 313-8054 with the name the appointment is under and a screen shot of the voucher page that has the barcode one it so I can verify your session length a
Groupon ONLY 60 min session- Text a screen shot of your voucher after you book!
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Groupon ONLY - 90 minute session -Text a screen shot of your voucher after you book!
Groupon Vouchers only- 90 minute session, 80 minutes hands-on massage time. Must text (385) 313-8054 with the name the appointment is under and a screen shot of the voucher page that has the barcode one it so I can verify your session length
Groupon ONLY - 90 minute session -Text a screen shot of your voucher after you book!
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Learn how to have a therapeutically deep tissue without the pain. I hear daily from new clients how shocked and amazed that they can feel this good without pain first! I am truly unique in how I handle muscle issues.
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Student PRACTICE Massage
My students need to practice. This is not considered a full massage until they are confident in their skills and can do everything that we do as full therapists.
Student PRACTICE Massage
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Hot Stone Massage
Smooth stones are heated and then lubricated with oil, the therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply. Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, the use of massage stones induces deep relaxation and provides a uniq
Hot Stone Massage
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Reiki uses a technique commonly called palm or hands on healing. Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-
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Couples Massage- not bookable until November 18th
Unwind and reconnect with a serene couples massage experience designed just for two. Enjoy side-by-side relaxation as our skilled therapists soothe away tension and create a peaceful escape. Perfect for celebrating a special occasion or simpl
Couples Massage- not bookable until November 18th