All messages are for the highest and greatest good of your soul’s journey.
This business is a passion project for me where I provide divinatory readings that focus primarily on the shadow self, as well as gaining a greater understanding of the current situation you may be facing. My strength lies in focusing on the situations being presented to further the growth and journey of the soul. Though that will pull in future outcomes, I prefer not to seek more depth to those as free will is a real thing, and I believe that any foretelling that may be provided by the oracles is simply tuning into the strongest energies of that moment, and energies shift from moment to moment. I take predictive outcomes with a grain of salt, preferring to dive into the lessons that are being offered in the moment of now. If you are struggling to navigate the "why", if you are trying to find the best course of action (or non-action) for your highest and greatest good, and you are seeking some guidance, I might be a good fit for you.