Working together so YOU can live your life, not limit it.
Reactivation Massage LLC's focus is on each individual client. Promoting health and wellness via energetic pain reduction, relaxation and confidence building.
Body Contouring
Using the best non-invasive devices and skills to and improve cellulite and collagen production. Also used for Injury Recovery and Prevention!
Many clients visit us during the lunch break or immediately before or after a workout. There is no downtime after sessions.
Reactivation Massage LLC utilizes customized massages for specific individual needs using the following methods:
• Therapeutic Massage: involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body (muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort and muscle spasms.
• Deep Tissue Massage: slow deep pressure to work on tight areas to release specific muscle tension and restore flexibility.
• Myofascial Release: A form of soft tissue therapy used to treat pain, dysfunction and restricted motion. Relaxing contracted muscles, increasing circulation and stimulating the stretch reflex of muscles and overlying fascia is accomplish when using this technique.
• Trigger Point/Neuromuscular therapy (NMT):a specialized form of deep tissue massage in which localized pressure is used to release painful areas in the muscle tissue (trigger points) that refer pain to other parts of the body. It can reduce pain, increase movement and allow the muscles to return to their normal resting length. This technique is usually used together with myofascial release.
• Myoskeletal Alignment Technique (MAT): brings together the most advanced therapeutic strategies to relieve, and ultimately correct, patterns in the body that lead to pain and deterioration.
• Swedish Massage: a light massage technique that helps realign the body's natural energy flow.
• Medical Massage: Less that 50 therapeutic practitioners are licensed for True Medical Massage. Customized Protocols used to treat a wide range of body dysfunction.
• Manual Lymphatic Drainage Treatment: A light Full body Treatment using specialized techniques to flush stagnant fluid from the body allowing the body to drain naturally.
A prescription for Massage & Bodywork is recommended and can be obtained by a licensed medical doctor, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist, dentist or psychologist. Without a prescription New Jersey sales tax will be applied to each session. Effective January 1, 2018, the New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Rate is 6.625%.
Cancellation Policy:
- If you must reschedule or cancel your appointment, please notify the office (908) 314-4632 or office cell (908) 655-6926 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of your appointment to avoid being charged the full service fee.
- Late arrivals will result in a shortened treatment time. Price won't be altered.
- Cancellations of packages or private parties will remain in your account as a store credit and not a refundable balance.