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Orthosports Massage Therapy

Balance amidst the chaos

David Fichera helps people to enjoy life again by relieving pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. The result of his work is that people experience diminished stress, increased mobility, and they have a renewed feeling of strength and vitality.

As a licensed orthopedic massage therapist who specializes in complicated pain and trauma of the neck, shoulder, and back, he helps people address buried emotions and physical imbalances to create pain free movement.

 *Results will vary based on many factors.

See a medical doctor for all health issues.
There is no guarantee that David Fichera’s services will solve a particular condition.
I (David Fichera) disclose to the client(s) in this written statement using plain language the following information:
(A) I am not a licensed physician.
(B) That energy healing treatments are alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the state.
(C) That any energy alchemy services to be provided are not licensed by the state.
(D) The nature of the services to be provided are based on magick and energetic healing.
Seek assistance from licensed medical professionals for all health issues.
Seek professional assistance for all medical and legal issues.
Energy Alchemy/healing is not a substitute for standard care.

Orthosports Massage Therapy


Operating Hours

  • Monday
    By appointment only
  • Tuesday
    By appointment only
  • Wednesday
    By appointment only
  • Thursday
    By appointment only
  • Friday
    By appointment only
  • Saturday
    By appointment only
  • Sunday
    By appointment only
(860) 751-4710