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Northern Light Holistic Healing

Next available opening
Mon, Jul 1st 2:00PM

I am a healer. Overflowing with love, sharing my heart, my gifts and the depth of my skill. I am here to serve and to bring balance and holistic harmony.

Every facet of our being—our body, emotions, mind, and life experiences—offers vital pieces to the intricate puzzle of our existence, illuminating the path of who we are, why we are here, and where we are destined. We are magnificent spiritual beings, temporarily inhabiting human form, embarking on a transformative journey of growth and self-discovery. At the core of our mission lies the passion to inspire balance and vitality in body, mind, emotions, and spirit. If you are on a quest for wholeness and well-being, we offer a range of healing modalities tailored to support your unique journey, providing unwavering encouragement every step of the way.

I am a Licensed massage therapist (10 years). I offer an integrative style in my massage practice. Swedish, Thai, Thai Yoga, Myo Fascial Release, Foot Reflexology, Lomi Lomi, SMRT, Prenatal and Induction massage. Aromatherapy and Sound therapy. (432Hz)

I practice Western Medical Acupuncture (7 years). I offer dry needling for issues with knees, hips and shoulders for 90 minute and 2-hour massages.

I am a NAET Practitioner (7 years) (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique). With this technique I can bring balance to your body even at the cellular level. If you are having allergies and sensitivities, immune deficiency, hormonal imbalance etc. (any physical issue) this technique will help to bring stability and harmony and strengthen your immune system.

I am a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist and Certified Hypnotherapist. I have found in my 24 years of searching for health that emotions affect the body and immune system more powerfully than anything else. Even more than diet (which I believe is of utmost importance). What you think and feel will affect every cell in your body profoundly. Negative emotions and pain from past events will follow you and build up in your system if you hold on to them. It’s not the Event that affects you, it’s the meaning you attach to the event on a subconscious level that will affect the rest of your life. Emotional Traumas may create physical disease, addictions, fears and phobias, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, physical pain, lack of confidence and any issue you can think of. With RTT I use several different techniques. Hypnotherapy, to help to get to the root of the issue, Psychotherapy, NLP, CBT to change the beliefs and meanings that were formed in the subconscious mind, and neuroplasticity to rewire the mind. RTT is a fast and effective healing modality. Most issues will only require ONE session.


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Northern Light Holistic Healing
Next available opening
Mon, Jul 1st 2:00PM


Operating Hours

  • Monday
    By appointment only
  • Tuesday
    By appointment only
  • Wednesday
    By appointment only
  • Thursday
    By appointment only
  • Friday
    By appointment only
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
(906) 440-4133