"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."
Rated the 10 Top Myofascial Release in LA.
Established in 2016. Myo Evolution first began as a culmination of Angie's experiences dealing with injuries, growing up as an athlete, some formal education and two decades of hands-on experience to this approach with massage. All with the goal of healing others.
After 14 years of combined experience providing excellence in bodywork and massage therapy, working at spas, health clubs, and medical clinics, Myo Evolution was birthed. The clients all had in common, no matter what work setting, to be constant cases of acute-chronic low back, neck/shoulder pain, joint pain, muscle stiffness/imbalances that needed more than a cookie cutter, routine, one-size-fits all protocol. Each body part needed its own dedicated time and attention, particularly dealing with injures or ongoing pain to efficiently deliver results in any given amount of various times.
Angie uses a combination of trigger point therapy, myofascial release, breath work and mindful awareness to educate her clients on and off the table. It is a very unique approach that serves as a therapeutic experience. Her reviews say it all.
Her clients include a list of A-list celebrities through the tv, film, music and entertainment industry. Professional athletes from the NFL, NBA, and European Soccer Leagues. Professional Dancers, doctors, the disabled, lgbtq communities, child/teen athletes, and every one in between. Her clientele is a highly diversified group as she does not have any specific group of people other than those who need care and healing regardless of social or financial background.
As a life coach, she is empathetic and present to what her clients needs are. Allowing to guide her clients through personal, career and spiritual challenges if needed.